Maximum Thickness
Thicker materials require factory consultation
CO2 beam width = .003", use .006" min radius to change cut direction
Smallest Feature
0.6:1(ratio) minimim diameter
to material thickness
Front to Back Taper
10 - 15% of material thickness
Includes bell effect at entrance
Via Hole for plated
thru connection
0.8:1 (ratio) hole diameter to material thickness
Measured at exit, account for metal anulas on circuit side
Via Hole filled
0.7:1 (ratio) hole diameter to material thickness
Account for metal anulas on circuit side
Feature Size Tolerance
± .002"
1X material thickness
Not less than .020"
1X material thickness
Not less than .020"
± .003"
All cutouts require a .003" pullback of backside metal.
Diamond Sawing
± .001" min
± .002" Standard